Realize Overview Dashboard

The Realize Overview Dashboard displays interactive charts and graphs of usage and performance data based on your filter selections. Some charts display additional insights when you move your mouse pointer over a data point.

Dashboard Elements

Following is information about specific elements within the Realize Overview dashboard.

  • District Name: The district's name appears at the top left of the report.

  • Last Run: At the top right of the report, the ‘Last Run on’ time stamp displays the last time the data in this report was refreshed. Due to many of the data elements in this report summarizing by day, the data in this dashboard is refreshed overnight.

  • Data Scope: Most of the dashboard only reflects data from schools within the district that the user has access to. The highlighted row in the Engagement by Schools chart, however, shows district-level data across all schools in the district, not just those the user has access to.

  • Date Range: The data reflected in this dashboard spans the current school year, starting from the New Year Rollover (NYR) date set by a district administrator.

  • Active Students per Week: These visualizations summarize the week-by-week trend of students active in the Realize Platform since the beginning of the school year.

  • Active Teachers per Week: These visualizations summarize the week-by-week trend of teachers active in the Realize Platform since the beginning of the school year.

  • Engagement by Schools: This table summarizes various engagement metrics for each school and the district.

  • Standards Performance by Programs: This table summarizes student progress towards proficiency in the standards assessed in each program used by the schools in your district since the beginning of the school year.

See Also